Demonstration of CRUD operation in Database using PHP

Introduction: In web development, performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations is a fundamental aspect when working with databases. This blog post will guide you through a practical demonstration of these operations using PHP, PDO (PHP Data Objects), and prepared statements. We’ll use a student dataset as an example to illustrate how to interact with a database efficiently.


Before we dive into the demonstration, ensure that you have:

  1. A web server (like Apache or Nginx) with PHP installed.
  2. A database server (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) with a database created.

Setting Up the Database:

For this demonstration, let’s consider a simple “students” table with the following structure:

Connecting to the Database:

Firstly, establish a connection to the database using PDO:

Creating (Inserting) Data:

To add a new student to the database:

Reading Data:

Retrieve and display the student data:

Updating Data:

Modify a student’s information:

Deleting Data:

Remove a student from the database:

Conclusion: In this blog post, we’ve demonstrated how to perform CRUD operations in a database using PHP, PDO, and prepared statements. This approach enhances security by preventing SQL injection and ensures a more robust interaction with the database.

Blog Published by Jay Patel

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