When You Give, You Receive

If you want love, then share love ❤️

If you want respect, then give respect 🙇‍♂️

A few days back, I was listening to the speech of Shri Savji Dhanji Bhai Dholakia ( Padma Shri ), who is an Indian businessman and founder and chairman of Hari Krishna Exports, a diamond manufacturing and exporting company.

That man has only studied till 7th standard and right now He’s the richest diamond merchant in India.

And in that speech, He was telling that He has only followed one philosophy in his life and that is to think from his heart ❤️

He has done multiple donations in NGOs and other organizations for the betterment of people and society. And He also gives cars to each and every employee of his company during the Diwali festival.


But one thing which I like about him the most is that He loves and respects everyone.

He says that all the employees in his company are his family members and when He says it, He really means it.

He says that God is watching you. And if God has given you a lot of money in your life, then it becomes our responsibility that we do good for society and poor people.

And He also adds that, even after donating a lot of money in charity, God never lets his bag remain empty.

His company is growing like crazy. And the more He grows, the more He helps other people.

So, the moral of this blog is that we should never be self centered and only think about ourselves.

Because that Great Soul beyond the sky is watching you.

And He only helps those, who help others ❤️

The only way you can get it is by giving it 🙂

Thank you so much for reading this blog. I hope you guys liked it. 😊

Blog published by Jay Patel

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